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Thread: Some Custom Modifications and some ideas

  1. #21
    rubencio's Avatar
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    It is a pity since you (both) are a good team to make AppThemes experience even better.
    I wish you BEST LUCK in your projects !!!!

    r u b e n c i o . c o m

    Since 2010 providing AppThemes solutions,
    Plugins and the best childthemes...

  2. #22
    rubencio's Avatar
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    I can imagine why you have decided this... I'm quite in similar position!
    In only ONE year ClassiPress have made so many mods to the main files (core theme) that you can't simply keep your work done and have to remake everything from the very beginning in order to make it compatible with new versions... simply boring!

    2 versions per year = 2 times you have to make/remake your job

    Well, all users will handle with this too so maybe the dev team hear them.
    Best regards,

    r u b e n c i o . c o m

    Since 2010 providing AppThemes solutions,
    Plugins and the best childthemes...

  3. #23
    Marketplace Seller ahikmahin's Avatar
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    ha ha ha .. you hit in to the middle mate

    Still we will provide supports for all existing customers as we promised... and.. if any one come with any unique idea we will go for that

    Topic:: When Appthemes team updates classipress v3.0.4 to v3.1 .. they released couple of versions with patches between these two .. like v3.0.5.* ... and they were saying to customers that step by step it will reach on v3.1 .. which was quite good idea (though i dont like it personally)

    and finally.. when they released v3.1 .. they didn't released any patch for that !! and saying customers to do a fresh install !!

    i guess its also effect badly on you ! as well as it effects on us !

    OffTopic:: If in-case you decide to make some design .. you are always welcome mate .. u know where u can find me @rubencio

  4. #24
    rubencio's Avatar
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    You are very kind for inviting me to share a design together... and you can count on that!

    THE SAME STUPID THING HAPPENED TO ME... I can not stay in this nonsense situation every time ClassiPress release an update:
    "they" say ClassiPress it is childtheme safe and 2 times this was not very the truth...
    - jumping from 3.0.4 to 3.0.5 was completely different versions so childthemes made for previous was simply USELESS !!!!
    - jumping from 3.0.5 to 3.1 it is another crazy movement !!!!

    So, after I faced this long time ago I just decided not to release ANY other childtheme in my online store and make ONLY CUSTOM DEVELOPMENT for people really interested in having the best look and performance possible based in ClassiPress... but I always have to make clear to my clients that upgrading my childthemes to make them compatible for future ClassiPress versions it is NEVER included in my price since this is a nonsense situation at AppThemes.

    I respect the project, organization, future developement,,, or whatever plan AppThemes dev team have... but they will need to explain to clients that make mods to the original theme and, after a couple of months later, it is simple useless if they plan to upgrade to next versions. So after this ClassiPress it is simply two things:
    A) You make your installation and leave the theme exactly like it is (if you plan to use future versions) or
    B) You can change your theme to whatever you like in order to really suit your needs but... FORGET ABOUT HAVING UPDATES!

    Best regards and I wish the best of luck!

    BTW, AppThemes dev team must face that people developing childthemes makes the ClassiPress experience EVEN BETTER since the theme it is an excellent idea but the design it is not really good.


    r u b e n c i o . c o m

    Since 2010 providing AppThemes solutions,
    Plugins and the best childthemes...

  5. #25
    Marketplace Seller ahikmahin's Avatar
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    Rating & Review system is nearly finish

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    Please feel free to advice us what we can add more ??

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