SubCategories Show In Side Panel Drop Down List But Not On Home Page Directory Mode
I used a wordress plugin called post-corrector to bulk post categories and sub-categories. The categories appeared on the front page, but the sub-categories did not. The same thing on the menu tab for categories.
Checking the dashboard I noticed that the number of categories was 170 which was about correct for the categories and sub-categories that I had created. But there (in the Dashboard) only the 10 main categories could be seen.
Then I discovered two astonishing things:
1. Back on the home page I had the placed a categories widget on the side panel. Checking this, I found the whole structure of categories and categories listed there!
2. When I decided to delete all the categories, the dashboard allowed me to delete first the main categories, which were the only ones showing there at first. BUT THEN, the sub-categories appeared on the front page, each appearing as a main category!!
But in the side panel drop down list the structure was still correct.
Is there any explanation for this, I wonder?
If there is no explanation there are two possible solutions.
1. I post the categories and sub-categories one at a time manually.
2. I keep the bulk posted structure, and show my site(s) in Standard mode (rather than Directory mode). BUT I would have to remove the Category tab from the navigation bar.
How do I do this?
Thank you for your attention and I look forward to getting your advice.
Best wishes