hi erel
So here is how you can change the logo and link from your login and register page:
You need to do this customization in two parts first is code editing and second is logo editing.
For code editing:
First of all login to your FTP server and open the home folder where your wordpress blog is installed.
Now look for the “
wp-login.php” page there and open it with any code editor text editor.
Now search for the phrase in the code.
And below the phrase you will find code something like this:
<?php if ( !is_multisite() ) { ?>
<div id="login"><h1><a rel="nofollow" href="<?php echo apply_filters('login_headerurl', 'http://wordpress.org/'); ?>" title="<?php echo apply_filters('login_headertitle', __('Powered by WordPress')); ?>"><?php bloginfo('name'); ?></a></h1> ……………………
So all you have to do now to change and link to wordpress in login/register page is change above code as following:
<?php if ( !is_multisite() ) { ?>
<div id="login"><h1><a rel="nofollow" href="<?php echo apply_filters('login_headerurl', 'http://yourwebsitelink.com/'); ?>" title="<?php echo apply_filters('login_headertitle', __('Your website slogan here.)); ?>"><?php bloginfo('name'); ?></a></h1>
And after you have edited the code now comes the second part of editing the logo.
All you have to do to edit your logo is go to the home folder of your wordpress and then go to the folder
wp-admin/images and you will find an image named “logo-login.gif” there. Edit this image without changing it’s name and save the image.
So now you are done. Just go to the login page of your blog and you will find your new customized logo and link.