I don't know what Max do exactly on it but code seen more rapid in execution time than the previous version
We're working now in the new Q2W3 inc manager renamed
Code Insert Manager
Areas of the page where you can insert code:
1.Header (between 'head' tags).
2.Footer (bottom of the page).
3.Before page content (before
WP loop).
4.After page content (after
WP loop).
5.Before post content.
6.After post excerpt (since version 2.0.0).
6.After post content.
7.Manual. Place function, which displays code, directly in your theme file(s).
8.`Widget`. Allows you to create custom widgets.
9.`Shortcode`. Allows you to create custom shortcodes (since version 1.3.0).
Other options:
* Page filters - there are two of them. `Insert on pages` - here you can select pages where you code CAN BE shown. `Exclude pages` - pages where you code CAN NOT be shown. Since version 2.0 supported custom post types and custom taxonomies pages.
* Priority number - determines display order of the includes placed in the same location.
* Hide from user - allows you hide code from specified user groups/roles.
* Align - allows you to set horizontal align of the included code. Useful for aligning Google AdSense blocks.
already tested & full working
in a few time ...! & for the life