Official invoice with details like vat-id and company adress
I´ve purchased the "AppThemes Club Developer" package a few days ago.
Like it´s usual I do also need an official invoice for my purchase. If I´am using the included option to download the ofered reciept about "order history" - I get an document with my detalis. From the seller part there is just the name "Appthemes".
Like also a few of you shuold know, that is not enoutgh! I have to present this document like all the other invoices from regular companys my tax-institution. To be honest, I can not belive that I have to explain you that:
This is the basic information that you MUST include on your invoice.
1. Your business name and address details
2. The name and address of the company you are invoicing (and the contact name if you have one)
3. A unique invoice reference / number that will relate to this invoice only.
4. A date for the invoice (which will generally be the date on which the invoice is created - or in accounting parlance, "raised")
5. A list of the products and / or services that you have provided, line by line, and the cost of each of these.
6. A total amount for the invoice.
7. The payment terms for the invoice (i.e. how long the customer has to pay)
So I used the appthemes contactform to explain you my issue.

Originally Posted by
My part
Hi Support Team,
I do need an oficial invoice which includes your company details like direction and vat number. Until now I can just domwload something like an inoficial overview.
Thank you in advance
Your answer was:

Originally Posted by
Your Answer
The only receipt/invoice for purchase available is the one you can download from your AppThemes customer dashboard. If you need to add other information to it, you can update your profile page and it will dynamically update the receipt as well. Thanks.
Best regards,
I do not wanna be appear ironically, but are you kidding me? I wrote very clear that there lack YOUR information. Not mine.
So, is there anybody out there who is understanding my problem, and what is the next step?!