Order of elements in CP enviroment
I wanted to take advantage of this Beta testing and bring the following pointers:
When it comes to the flexibility of creating within CP, its pretty flawless, but reordering and reorganizing things around is not always available, here are a few examples:
Image Gallery: Since CP doesnt work hand in hand with the native
WP gallery, reordering the images display does not take effect, so if the user wants to change their featured thumbnail image, they are doomed to remove all existing ones and readd them one by one while placing the desired thumbnail image in the first position.
From the backend, even if I reorder the images (Ascendant or Descendant), it still doesnt apply. I had plaid around with the code on a previous install to achieve this but the Featured thumbnail image remains unchangeable no matter what.
Custom fields order display:
Would be nice to be able to filter the Fields by Name, Type, etc, in some cases, there are many custom fields created, yes we can do a simple CTRL + F and find it but it would be a nice addon, a Drag and Drop approach would be ideal as well.
I hope this will be considered in future releases, personally I wouldnt mind investing in developing the Gallery image reordering option as its crucial from my end.