[FEATURE Request] Eliminate gaps on right and left of Site.
I realized, their are two huge gaps on the right and the left of the website, i understand their needs to be some visual space, but these gaps make the website look very empty and abit dull to be honest.
Could you add a feature were you can put adverts on the the left and right side of the website, like 125x125 or larger vertical google ads or banners and so on.
If not, could you implement a option where by you have the choice to fill these gaps in with colour, like the colour of the theme you are using.
I mean, for example if the sponsored ads bar could move to the side, it would give a lot more room for other features and also it will feel in a big empty gap.
Does anyone else agree with me on this or am I the only one? :S
Admin/Mods Please could you ask this to the designers and let us know.