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Thread: Requesting additional documentation for classipress

  1. #11
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    Veteran alinimmo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ahikmahin View Post
    Well... alinimmo ... please cool down...

    yes its CP Team mistake ... that they announced specific date to release v3.1 ... then because of some reasons (david already mentioned) they were not able to meet the deadline...and beside they decided to release another v3.0.5 before v3.1

    Instead of v3.0.5 i would love to see them to release v3.1(beta/alfa/whatever) even if they needed more times its alright!

    I guess, they released v3.0.5 because of people started making pressure on them ... as they did mistake, i mentioned earlier.

    However.. please give them some times to get back on track everything...its not easy at all to run these type projects 3/4 themes all together ...
    cool down is very easy to say. But imagine you are running a business where people are paying good money to advertise on your site and you get a bit of a half baked upgrade like this and your site goes down for a day or so or starts running really slowly...I think i would have difficulty in saying to my customers hey just cool down.

    If this was an open source devlopment I would say ok you are correct..but its not is a bought product. I am not worried about release dates but when they do get released I want a quality product that does not imapact on my customers.

    I understand there are issues with pressure and development....but we all have these problems and i would prefer to worry about my own development issues rather than constantly worrying about what the classipress guys are up to

  2. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by pepsi View Post
    No, they don't go into a black hole All feedback is taken on board and we (being me, as the representative for the moderating team) generally discuss these topics with the development team during regular meetings. Jomark and I are not part of the development team, we are the forum moderators and actual AppThemes customers ourselves, so we also have first-hand experience with the themes. And yes, we're the ones who "soak up the flak", because that's ultimately why we are here.. to answer the questions of the community and provide support to those who need it. The development team are generally busy working behind the scenes, addressing the concerns raised on a technical level..hence the reason why you don't always see them in the forums, but they do provide assistance or feedback on issues as required.

    The newest release was made available yesterday, however there has been no official announcement yet... The upgrade documentation was released this morning (you need to be logged in to the AppThemes homepage to view the full content)

    For the most part, we don't get too many complaints about the instructions not being clear enough (apart from this thread of course).. From your previous comments, your frustrations with the documentation seem to relate to lack of mod related content, however this is because customizations are not officially supported.

    The idea of a wiki is nice, but obviously we also have some considerations to make in terms of accessability. The forums and some homepage content is restricted to verified customers because the truth is, there are people out there illegally using the theme and trying to find ways to get support. We don't necessarily want to help them by making all information publically available. Perhaps there are other ways of doing this but with the release of the upgrades and new themes coming up, I think this probably isn't going to take top priority for the moment, however we will address it again.
    thanks for your reply

  3. #13
    jomarkosabel's Avatar
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    I think the "cool down" advice is done in good faith perhaps because ahikmahin have noted on the other post you mentioning "not being able to survive many more heart attacks" . .

    Being cool is good for the health.

    On the serious note, definitely the developing team is working hard to provide the best feature for Apptheme products and so let's just give them some breathing space even for a while.
    Please help our moderating team work more efficiently by not sending us support questions via PM. You can read more about how AppThemes support works here. However, you can send a PM to follow up and remind me if I missed your support request/thread.

    Thank you and have a nice day.

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