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Thread: 3.0.4. Cant/Wont Upgrade due to so many edits... Need couple of 3.0.5 mods...

  1. #1
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    ninja's Avatar
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    3.0.4. Cant/Wont Upgrade due to so many edits... Need couple of 3.0.5 mods...

    Original Thread @

    Hey guys from your ole mate Ninja !

    So I have a good site running Classipress plus LOTS of customisations its currently on 3.0.4. and WP 3.0.5 ....

    My site is LIVE and has been for some months, with a great userbase @ Weston Local (feel free to add to showcase if you so choose)....

    My issue is this, today I updated too 3.0.5 and BAM , major issues, with my resized carousel , everything reset back to the old way ... As well as lots of other style changes, so much so , that I then restored the DB backup that I took (as you always should!!) and have returned my website to the original 3.0.4 state....So My questions are this :-

    (question 1+2 answered on original thread)

    (3) - Any mods out there so I can add the 'PRICE TAG' Icons to my 3.0.4. installation (the whole reason i wanted to upgrade!!) you know the little yellow pngs

    (4) - and also any mods so I can get the on hover image effect working on 3.0.4 like on 3.0.5 ?

    Many thanks guys

    Your friend


  2. #2
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