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Thread: BUSINESS IDEA QUESTION: Multiple Classipress sites using Wordpress MU

  1. #1
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    Member jermaine's Avatar
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    BUSINESS IDEA QUESTION: Multiple Classipress sites using Wordpress MU

    Hi, i just had a question about whether or not a premium grade dedicated server could handle multiple sites using classipress under one database? I plan on create a wordpress MU site/database and plan on adding about 50 plus sub-sites, all using classipress.

    Lets say the each sub-site was getting thousands of visitors (just an example) and hundreds or thousands of searches were being done simultaneously, do you think a server would be able to handle all those queries? Considering this is a wordpress platform? This is just a thought.

    Furthermore, i dont plan on doing any customizations, just setting up simple out of the box install of classipress. And actually i would plan to strip down the classipress theme of its google maps, comments files and any unnecessary features, basically just using a minimal template.

    I know there are already some thread discussions about wordpress MU and creating multiple sites, but this is a question on really how well a dedicated server could handle a high volume of sites using classipress under one database.

    Hope to hear your inputs. Thanks!

  2. #2
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    Rolf Hassel (Samcy)

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