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Thread: Classipress 3.0.4 - States for different countries

  1. #1
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    jobsorbit's Avatar
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    Classipress 3.0.4 - States for different countries

    I got Classipress 3.0.4 recently-

    1. Is there any easy way to add states/regions from different countries & when user selects the country - display the appropriate states/regions

    2. I have seen few Google - side bar threads - but this is after the ad is posted

    3. I am more interested when the user wants to post an ad - for e.g., a user in US - who has some thing to sell in other part of the world should be able to selct the country from the drop down and select the state/provice

    4. Also, I did not see the countries.php in Classipress directory - the way we see it in JobRoller

    Any info on these items would be helpful.


  2. #2
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