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Thread: ClassiPress getting outdated to new themes using new concepts?

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    ClassiPress getting outdated to new themes using new concepts?

    Hi, I have been using Classipress for over 2 years now I think. Its been a long time and I have only one year back really been able to start any real work on my site. Nevertheless, as new online technology and concepts pop up monthly or even weekly sometimes, I am scared that ClassiPress is not keeping itself on top of possible competition. Just because ClassiPress has alot of users, should not mean that business can really go as usual. Google Maps have come out with V3 to allow many types of customizations for its maps to allow more user experience on classified sites, but classiPress have stuck with the same concept for a while now. May I know why? I am personally using the theme and plugin for a Property Classified site. However as the months passed, I see that new and smaller competitors are using more user friendly layouts with Google Maps. One theme for example:

    The layout concept of this theme is fantastic and it seems they have tried to copy Trulia property site from the US in regards to the Google Maps search option.
    Just like this, I am sure there are more and more user friendly and mobile friendly features being taken as opportunities by others. So I would really feel sad if AppThemes developers does not take advantage of whats out there because I love ClassiPress and have dedicated so many hours to it. I only want to see it improve, get more real new tech type of solid updates so that it can stay relevant in a fast changing internet world for all AppTheme customers. Most of us do not have the huge cashflow to customize things to how we want it.

    I would like to know what is the next one year plan for ClassiPress? What are the features that have been planed. When features are picked, is top classified sites and its latest features all included in the ideas brainstorming?

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