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Thread: Currency symbol after numbers when selecting categories ($100 becomes 100$)

  1. #1
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    Amateur peterhupuczi's Avatar
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    Cool Currency symbol after numbers when selecting categories ($100 becomes 100$)

    Hi guys, this tutorial about replace the currency symbol on the add new ad page drop down. This will be a little help for those
    who want to be place the currency symbol after the numbers

    In Hungary we use this format: NUMBERS CURRENCY SYMBOL (100 Ft)

    In default ClassiPress is set to this format: CURRENCY SYMBOL NUMBERS ($100)

    So if you need to change here is what to do:

    Step 1.

    Open up themes-functions.php. You should find it in wp-content/themes/classipress/includes/

    I'm using Notepad++ to open the file. You can download it free from here: Notepad++ | 5.9

    Once you have opened the file lets go and move to Step 2.

    Step 2.

    Look at line number 1633. This is the row what you need to modify. There is nothing special all you need to do is to cut and paste.

    BEFORE YOU START PLEASE BACK UP YOUR FILE!! (I allways copy the cod what I want to change and paste it in totepad to keep the original unchanged code)

    Ok. Once you have backed up the original code lets change things around!

    select and cut the following part of the code:

    . get_option('cp_curr_symbol')  ----> Notice the dot on the front
    All you have to do next is paste it behind the following part of the code:

    Thats it!

    Go and check it out.

    Here is the before and after for the code:

    BEFORE (original code)

    $output .=  ' - 'get_option('cp_curr_symbol') . get_option('cp_cat_price_'.$category->cat_ID);
    AFTER (the modified code)

    $output .=  ' - '  . get_option('cp_cat_price_'.$category->cat_ID). get_option('cp_curr_symbol');

    I will attach the file if you don't want to do it yourself. Download it and replace it with this.
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  2. #2
    Veteran barukar's Avatar
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