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Thread: FB Login fix steps without upgrading

  1. #1
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    Rookie jbryant82's Avatar
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    FB Login fix steps without upgrading

    Hello All,

    Here's my situation/problem: I am running Classipress 3.3.1 on a very customized site (took me a very long to customize). I do plan on upgrading to the latest Classipress; but it is something that I really need to plan out ahead of time and do over a weekend that I have lots of time because of all of the customizations. In the mean time, the one thing that I would really like to get working in my version 3.3.1 is the "Login with Facebook" feature. My question is, is there anyone out there who can give me the steps to fix just the FB feature without affecting anything else? This would be just the files that need to be replaced or edited for only the FB feature to work. I realize this may be a long shot, but I figured it was worth asking. Thanks.

  2. #2
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