Google Maps movable PIN for for every Ad by Ad poster (on customer side)
I want to know how to integrate the google maps not by adress it must by pin point set option
So i have allready seen the plugin Appmaps but it just create this feature for the Admin Backend not on the Frontend.
So I want to have a option to get a include window in the Ad new section,
that the user can set his point on the place he want and than.
It will shown on the Front end side.
The little map with the pin.
This is really usefull for all the unregistred or other registred contrys in africa.
So i have seen the developer page from google for the version 3 Api for google maps.
This means for the way how to do
Ad new page needs a window where i can select the google maps map and set t his point.
And of course i need to modificat the existing sidebar-gmap.php that the other useres not can remove this Pin just show but this is the easyer part because I can show this option on the google development side.
I will now start to show how i maybe can code this but my coding skill is very poor.
But maybe it will be very easy because i just have to modify the appmaps code and inser it into the new Ad side.
so any ideas how i can programm this, please help us this will be a wonderfull feature. for all