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Thread: How to move the logo header image to the left?

  1. #1
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    alexcr26's Avatar
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    How to move the logo header image to the left?

    Hello everybody,

    I am new to classipress and wordpress in general and I would like to know how to move the header logo image to the left so it fits the rest of the page. I have a 1300X200 image and when I uploaded it in General Settings/Web Site Logo it displays it like this:
    Muzicbay (the orange image is just an example so I learn how to do it).

    I found out how to change the padding in red.css
    header_main_bg { background:url("../images/content_topbg.gif") repeat-x scroll center top transparent; background-color:#EFEFEF; clear:both; padding:0px 0; position:relative; }

    but I couldn't find out how to move the whole image to the left so it matches with the top header image. Any help would be greatly apreciated!!

  2. #2
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