Image Upload Issue
Hi all,
I am having an issue with users uploading images that are larger than the specified limit. Instead of the system not allowing the ad to go through and notifying them to re-size the image(s), it creates the ad without a picture and marks them as 'Pending' in the admin panel. This then also creates an error file/log on the server stating that the image/post size has been exceeded which builds up over time and takes up space...
So every day we are having to go through the 'Pending' ads, re-sizing the image file(s) and then re-adding them to the post - which is a pain!
The size per image limit is 5MB (max.), which should be plenty! Now, I don't care if people try to upload large images, I just want the system to reject them and basically tell the user that they need to re-size the image(s), instead of allowing them to complete their ad posting and then marking the ad as 'Pending'.
Any ideas? Any help with this is greatly appreciated!