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Thread: Insert a new page/ link

  1. #1
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    Newbie ghillieguy's Avatar
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    Insert a new page/ link


    Iv'e been fooking arounf with my classipress site for the past week learning new stuff and getting used to it all. So far i'm very impressed! I have a few questions though..

    1. If i want to insert a new page that has a link on the main menu, how would i adjust it so when you click on that page it taked you to a link thats already on the website? For instance if I want to make a page that says "CARS", when you click on it it will take you to the car classifeids section.

    2. I know this has been adressed before, but how do i change the header/logo image so its height is larger than 80? I would like to have a large header like some of the other sites.


  2. #2
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