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Thread: Limit registration/post location

  1. #1
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    kidstuff's Avatar
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    Limit registration/post location

    Hi to all,
    I searched for this and didn't see anything so I hope I didn't miss it. My question may be twofold:
    1: Can the registration form be modified to require an address?
    2: Then and maybe in addition to, can the registration be limited to a certain area say by zip code, or could the listing require a zip code and if the location of the item to be listed is not within a certain range it is not allowed?

    My goal with this site is to create a fairly local basic classified ads site. The area I live in is loaded with resale shops for kids items that charge buku and give you very little for your items. I want to provide a site for local people to list items for alot less. I don't want people from all over listing.
    Thanks as always in advance,

  2. #2
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