Membership Required by User Type
I don't know if this is one for the developers, but here goes, it might actually be simple.
I have two user types for by website created with ACF: "Individual" and "Corporate". Users would have to select their user_type upon registration.
Now, I want "Individuals" to post for free/by category price but I want it to be mandatory for "Corporate" Users to purchase a membership pack in order to post.
So, my idea: create a new value(Required by User Type) with associated functions under Pricing>Membership for the field "required_membership_type"(Are Membership Packs Required to Purchase Ads?).
I have gotten as far as creating the drop down in settings along with the displayed tab if selected, however, I cannot seem to figure out the function to insert in settings.php in order to display the fields under user_type.
Any assistance in the interim would be much appreciated.