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Thread: Place a Flash Banner on the header - TUTORIAL

  1. #1
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    Veteran tonyperez's Avatar
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    Place a Flash Banner on the header - TUTORIAL

    Hi everyone!

    I managed to change the header banner 468x60.jpg an animated banner in Flash.
    I will share this experience as a contribution to this community.
    Whereas some parties suffer as I have no knowledge as the experts of this forum.

    1-You can make your free Flash Banner Online. I recommend this site, probe some who seek to provide this service. I think this is the best and the easiest:
    You can browse and choose from several topics. I recommend using the themes of the same size as we change 468x60px

    2 - Once configured Banner. In the bottom of the page click the button "GENERATE ANIMATION"
    Choose "Copy / paste this code yogurt Into site" Copy code.

    3 - Go to the board of directors of ClassiPress Settings. Go to where it says "Activate Ad" Choose "Yes"

    4 - Right down to the left says "Code" in this text field
    paste the code in your banner. You can recognize the text field below in smaller letters it says "Paste the Google Adsense code here"

    5 - Save Changes. That's it. I hope you are happy.

    If this tutorial helped you appreciate that you say "YES" to encourage others to also be happy .... Thanks

    For experts in Flash that can make your own banner will have to upload your banner to your server and generate the code. Now is not as if anyone knows say so here. When you discover how to do what I will say this is a promise.

  2. #2
    jomarkosabel's Avatar
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    Thank you and have a nice day.

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