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Thread: Problem adding an image to the images directory

  1. #1
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    areis's Avatar
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    Problem adding an image to the images directory

    Wondering if someone can help figure out this problem, as it's driving me nuts

    I've added an image to replace the "no image available" one called no-thumb.jpg. It's working great. If an ad doesn't have images, my images is displayed as intended.
    If I explicitly access it: (http://.../wp-content/themes/classip...s/no-thumb.jpg) it is also displayed.

    But I've added another image which is to be the site's logo, also a png and I just can't seem to be able to retrieve it. It's path should be http://.../wp-content/themes/, but I always get my site's 404 page.
    On the same date I added a favicon image into the same directory and it's been running perfectly.

    I'm not sure what I'm missing here, as I've tried to access some other images from that directory and most work, but some also give me a 404. Permissions are all the same. File extensions don't matter. Some .pngs work, others don't. The same with the .gifs and .jpgs. Everything "looks" good but it just doesn't work

    I'm not even sure if it's classipress' or the web servers' fault. I've looked at the .htaccess and nothing seems to be related.

    Has anyone encountered something similar? Can anyone offer a hint as to what I should do?

    I'm running classipress 3.0.4 on wordpress 3.1.2 if it's relevant.

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    Free classifieds site using Classipress in Portuguese - Boas-oportunidades;
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