Tabnavig/Index mod - Need to open page when tab is clicked, but not in the tab frame
Summary - I've added a new tab to the index.php page under the tabnavig div.
Like this:
<li><a href=""><span class="big"><?php _e('TESTING','appthemes')?></span></a></li>
Using the above method nothing happens when you click the tab. So I tried the using the following default tab settings and block code:
<li><a href="#block4"><span class="big"><?php _e('TESTING','appthemes')?></span></a></li>
<!-- <div id="block4">
<div class="clr"></div>
<a href="">TESTING</a>
</div><!-- /block4 -->
The "testing" page displays in the tab frame, but I need for it to display outside of this frame...such as when you click on an individual ad or post. I've went as far as setting the "testing" page to automatically redirect to another page, but nothing happens.
If someone knows how to implement this I would appreciate the help.
Thank you