translation steps
Hello, I have a new license of classisky,
I have problems with the translation, normally I can use the localization plugin, but the classisky theme is not included.
So I tried to make it with the tuturolial of classipress, I have defined into
wp-config.php ---> define('WPLANG', 'it_IT');
And I have uploaded the newest languagepackage of classipress; and classipress-it_IT.po are now into and the languages/themes/ and additional directly into the
My admin is now on italian language , but the website fpr clients is still in english. Do I have to change the classipress prefixes? Or what make I wrong, it would be good when there will be a specific readme.txt for translating the classi_sky theme.... I spend a lot of time now, and now I have to ask for help. Hope you can help me,
Thank you! Manuek