Questions before buying
I am about to buy the Flatroller, Flatpage, Flatter, and Flatpress. I have some questions about them. ( i understand i have to buy the parent theme of each).
1. Can i replace the 'Overview' text on the homepage header with either a slider, ad banner(adsense), fancy buttons, or is it 'widget enabled' such that i can make that entire 'Overview' text look like jobsapp's 83x70/250x250 homepage header?
2. Is there a "Apply with resume" option for applicants, to avoid filling the apply form every time?
3. Can i change the default "Submit A Job" widget button to "Post a Resume"?
1. Can i set the coupon to open and show the code before opening the affiliate link.
2. Can i put a slider above the featured coupon area?
Do all themes support WPMU without having to carry out coding to make it work?
Your swift response will be appreciated.