submit-a-job-bug, already reported but no action/response so far
It's already been reported several times, in another thread in this board and PM's. But here we go again, since I get to see no action or direct reaction on this bug.
When I hit the submit job, while not logged in as admin, I will have to enter username/password, after that I'm directly redirected to the first/oldes joblisting!
When I go back and try to submit a job -after filling the form- (Win7, firefox) I get the same, just redirected to first/oldest joblisting after hitting the next button.
When I do this with IE (Win7) I get the same crap, now I even get to see the URL in the satusbar (seen in screenshot), when hovering the next button, it's just linked up to the first/oldest post.
What is this? Are you waiting for the real coder to come in, or some member or myself get to finally find a fix for it, post about this so you can thank them for it?
If you can't deliver a fix, I'd like to see a refund, it's that simple. Because it's not working how it should be. Or do you find this is the way it goes, you pay peanuts you get...?
The thing is I have patience, I have time I don't expect direct responses and direct solutions (just see how many days went by since reporting on it). I know there can be other priorities in work and life. But quality control and bugfixing in this should be a priority as well, just let them know you're gonna look into it -like you usually do- and that you will do that, no too long from that moment. And if you're having problems or other priorities that keep you from following up just inform them.
But when you ask me for site-details and an admin account, as I did on the 18th of april, and I sent some PM's with a simple reply on your PM or a simple request to look into this bug. And then I see you view the PM's and no action, and no login (ever) at the site, then how do you think I will take that?
I know not all of the stuff/issues I wrote about were a bug, but some of them were. But look who eventually delivered a fix, it wasn't you. (Codestyling/importing language strings: domino1957 delivered the piece of code, Centering Easing Slider in eva: me when eventually comparing how it's done with layerslider in Flux and trying that, getting LayerSlider to load inside Flux: just updating the URL to load a newer jQuery library fixed it). In all thoses cases you tried some or not, eventually you were pointing to others who should only be able to fix it, the makers of the plugins or appthemes. See for yourself if you don't recognize this. Eventually some complainer, gets his problem/question fixed/answered by either another user or himself.