fxtender on creating robots.txt file
Dear Admin,
I have both the job roller and the fxtender.
1. It says that I want to use the resume upload feature, i should have a rots.txt file on my root folder to block indexing. I am not a techno savy person. How do I do this?
Robots.txt file not found.
Your \
wp-content folder may be visible to search engine crawlers. If you're using the 'Resume Upload' feature, you should have a robots.txt file on your root folder to block indexing. You should create a robots.txt file or copy the /extras/robots.txt file bundled with FXtender to your root folder.
2. I bought fxtender hoping the bank transfer would be easy to set up. It said that I need to create a page to instruct client to enter info needed. How does the bank transfer happen. Is there no specific page where client can enter their account # etc and payment go to our bank?
Thanks so much.