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Thread: archive-ad-listing.php add featured function

  1. #1
    Thread Starter
    Expired Customer bidakkabi's Avatar
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    archive-ad-listing.php add featured function

    How to run Posting Base URL too
    All Ads
    it just doesn't work there

    HTML Code:
    //Stick featured ads to the top on category and search pages
      class StickyAds {
        public function __construct() {
          add_filter('posts_orderby', array($this, '_hookPostsOrderBy'), 11, 2);
        public function _hookPostsOrderBy($orderBy, $query) {
          global $wpdb;
          if ( is_tax( array( APP_TAX_CAT, APP_TAX_TAG ) ) || is_search() && !$query->query_vars['ignore_sticky_posts']) {
            $stickyPosts = get_option('sticky_posts');
            if (is_array($stickyPosts) && !empty($stickyPosts)) {
              $sticky = '(' . $wpdb->posts . '.ID IN (' .
              implode(',', $stickyPosts) . ')) DESC';
              $orderBy= empty($orderBy) ? $sticky : $sticky . ',' . $orderBy;
              add_filter('pre_option_sticky_posts', array($this, '_hookOptionStickyPosts')
          return $orderBy;
        public function _hookOptionStickyPosts($option) {
          remove_filter('pre_option_sticky_posts', array($this, '_hookOptionStickyPosts')
          return array();
      $stickyads = new StickyAds();
    // End sticky ads

  2. #2
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  3. #3
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