Changing default Featured Ad check box text
I need to change the default text displayed on the ad submission form (Step 2) when Featured Ads are enabled.
For the life of me, I cannot find what file this text is contained in.
A previous forum post located this in includes/form/step-functions.php but when I download this file it's deprecated (?), more or less empty, and no longer needed apparently.
Can anyone point me in the right direction? For reference, this is the text displayed beside the check box that the user can select to make their ad a Featured Ad in Classipress. The default text is inaccurate and I need to change it. This is the text that tells users a featured ad is displayed in the header or some similar area. It only appears in the submission form when admin has entered a price for Featured Ads.
Also, is there a map available that tells us where default text is contained in the template files? It's a nightmare to track UI text down for changing.