Google Maps Not working
So this is a strange one -
I have two instances of Classipress - a stage site and a production site. Both originate from the same server, just different VHOST entries. Both are global DNS reachable, same PHP, same everything.
On one, (stage) enter an add and the google map works great. Never a problem
On the other (production) the google map query just spins and spins - never returns anything.
I naturaly discover this (reported by user) after they populated the site with a couple hundred ads (priming the pump if you will)
I have tried reloading the themes, moving DB around etc - to no luck.
I installed a THIRD instance of default classipress and boom. Works great.
SO my problem is debuging why this (most important from a data perspective) instance is gone wrong.
I have also tried extracting the data to load into a working instance to no avail -
So any help in
1. Understanding some gotchas when the google map spins without returning a map
2. A way to migrate ads from one site to another?
Thanks to one and all.