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Thread: Modify permalink with custom field in the post_type_permalink variable

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    Expired Customer ebfjohnson's Avatar
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    Modify permalink with custom field in the post_type_permalink variable


    I migrated from the location-based wordpress multisite structure to a free or paid multisite structure and need bring location back into my permalink structure.

    There is a perfect custom field I added with a drop down list called cp_area and I need to add the value of this for each ad_listing post_type to the URL so the listings will be displayed in their proper localiity.

    I found that replacing the word "Ads" in the Permilink Settings field called post_type_permalink with "%cp_area%" did not get dynamically replaced with the meta_value for the ad_listing.

    After looking through the code I did not find an example from which to copy from or a means by which to accomplish this change. What I would prefer to do would be to make a change in the classipress-child theme if possible.

    Any help would be much appreciated !!!



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