PHP include in a taxonomy ( ad category )
Hi there,
for getting some content above the ad listings on certain taxonomies, i modified the taxonomy-ad_cat.php
I inserted following code:
<div class="shadowblock_out">
<div class="shadowblock">
<?php if(is_tax( 'rassewelpen-kaufen', $term = 'rassewelpen-kaufen' )); {include ('hundewelpen_kaufen.php');} ?>
</div><!-- /shadowblock -->
</div><!-- /shadowblock_out -->
The include of the file hundewelpen_kaufen.php is working, but its being displayed not only on the taxonomy with slug 'rassewelpen-kaufen', but also on all other taxonomies. It should be displayed only on this certain taxonomy or ad category with slug 'rassewelpen-kaufen'
Whats wrong? Can Dimitris help?
I am using the newest classipress and wordpress version.
Thx Henrik