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Thread: Is this scenario possible with Memberships

  1. #1
    Marketplace Seller dalemiles's Avatar
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    Is this scenario possible with Memberships

    Whilst I'm a long-time user of ClassiPress 3.x, I've never looked into Memberships and I'm looking at this functionality to enhance my user's experience.

    Before I go through seeing what's possible and what's not (and what I'll need to custom code), I want to outline my plan here and hope that someone from AppThemes can confirm what's possible with my idea.

    Here we go...

    I want 2 Membership plans:

    1) Free membership
    2) 1 year paid membership (doesn't automatically rebill)

    For the free membership, I want the site to work as it currently does, free ad listings and the option to upgrade to a featured ad when submitting it.

    For the 1 year paid membership, I want to charge them a fee, and as part of that fee, they still have the ability to post ads for free, but also get a set number of featured ads 'upfront' and paid for. Basically a bulk discount.

    That's essentially the scenario I wanting to setup so confirmation on this would be great.

    On a more technical side of things, is it possible to check the membership package/ID of the logged in user? I'd like to also do some "if this, then that" type display stuff depending if the user has this paid membership.


  2. #2
    Moderator ovidiubica's Avatar
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    Marketplace Seller dalemiles's Avatar
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    Moderator ovidiubica's Avatar
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