Translation Issues - Can't get it to work
Can't really guess why but my translation into portuguesse won't work totally.
I was translating the entire theme manually, but I found out that I could do this in just a few clicks. And well, haven't worked, can't guess why.
First, I'm using wordpress WordPress 3.3.1. in portuguese, and ClassiPress 3.1.5. Tryed to put the at public_html/imoveisemsaojosedoscampos/
wp-content/languages/themes/, but also, didn't worked.
My website is:
There's three buttons at the middle of the page that i've been serching for days, and I have no idea where is these three buttons in theme files, so that I could translate them manually. These buttons are: Just Listed, Most Popular, Random.
So, what is happening that I cannot make the translation files work?
And, Just to know where it is(in case translation files doesnt work at all), where are that three buttons I mentioned above? I've searched everywhere through wordpress Editor, but well, could not find it.