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Thread: Urgent Advice Needed

  1. #1
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    steph222's Avatar
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    Urgent Advice Needed

    I have been having issues with my host IX webhosting for a number of months.

    My site is running Classipress 3.3, the only plugin I have is Wordfence with an Enhanced Security as I have issues with scammers from other countries posting fake ads and emailing my posters trying to scam them out of money.

    Wordpress is up to date, my database is optimized. I keep image size uploads to a minimum......
    The site averages about 30-50,000 hits a month. Not overly busy as far as ad posts usually around 10 to 30 a day depending on the time of the week and season.

    IX recommended I move my site from a Windows platform to a Linux and this is when all of the issues started.

    They are constantly pulling my site down due to high CPU usage for pages that don't exist. I have put in the appropriate error pages, have a very good .htaccess file blocking robots and forwarding pages to the appropriate error pages on the advice of IX

    I am at a complete loss to what is causing this and I am very unhappy with the lack of support from IX considering it was them that advised me to move the site.

    My site is not profitable enough to warrant spending $200-$300 a month on a dedicated server.

    Can anyone suggest a company or advise on other alternatives?

    Thank you
    I would like to move my site but am not sure what company to go with.

  2. #2
    Marketplace Seller mr_green's Avatar
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    mr_green likes this.
    Rolf Hassel (Samcy)

  4. #4
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