Two issues with accepting payments and expiration on coupons
I've just purchased clipper and happy to part of it. When I enable accept payments in clipper. The whole slider disappears showcasing stores. ( I think its part of slick slider which is probably obsolete)
When I try to add coupons manually, I'm unable to set any expiration date whatsoever.
Using flatter theme ( There is a filed called featured.php and has the following code)
Thank you so much
* The featured slider on the home page
<div class="large-12 columns">
<?php if ( $featured = clpr_get_featured_slider_coupons() ) : ?>
<div class="slick-slider">
<?php while ( $featured->have_posts() ) : $featured->the_post(); ?>
<?php get_template_part( 'parts/content-slider', get_post_type() ); ?>
<?php endwhile; ?>
</div> <!-- .slick-slider -->
<?php endif; ?>
<?php wp_reset_postdata(); ?>
</div> <!-- .columns -->