I need a Refund Please (I give up on Hirebee)
After spending 48 hours trying toget Hirebee to work, and after seeing how there is no documentatio or support, and theme is uneditable (I am supposed to know how to code), and how there are errors on routine tasks such as submitting proposal, registering etc, I believe that Applethemes can refund me so I go my way.
I am unable to edit the form so that the budget is not mandatory (I read reply to similar concerns that changing that requirement would break the theme).
I test the proposal to a test project and I get this error:
"ERROR: JavaScript and Cookies are required in order to post a comment.
Please be sure JavaScript and Cookies are enabled in your browser. Then, please hit the back button on your browser, and try posting your comment again. (You may need to reload the page.)"
My users are neither tech se=avvy nor highly educated. I cannot have afford to have such errors.
There is is just too much technical stuff I need to know in order to get the theme to work. Yet the theme is made AS IS. I don't have the time or the technicl abillity.
Please refund.