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Thread: How do you apply for projects privately?

  1. #1
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    henrikg's Avatar
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    How do you apply for projects privately?


    I just realized that if you apply for a project, then everyone is able to see your offer?

    That really makes HireBee completely useless.

    The questions (clarification) is ok to be public, but really the offers should not be.

    I do not wan't a website where everything is judged on price only. And it will be if others are able to see other peoples budgets and messages.

    Ideally then only the project poster should be able to actually see the individual offers.

    I have been all over the settings, and can't find a single setting that make offers private. If this is not possible then the users will not make the offers online, but send them by email or private messaging over facebook etc. Which is what they are doing already.

    So I will not be able to get them to move to my hirebee installation.

    Hope that I am not right here, and that it is possible, to make offers private.

  2. #2
    dimitris's Avatar
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