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Thread: Having another bash at Jobroller

  1. #1
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    Having another bash at Jobroller

    Hi - i had a bash at creating some sort of job board when jobroller was newly released however my lack of experience lead me to making some mistakes while customising the theme.

    After looking at the showcase section - it's given me a kick up the backside that i needed to go and create a half decent job board. I have some questions though:

    What's the best way to develop my site? I want to be able to develop and test it offline. Do many people on here make use of Xampp?
    If i customise it - are my changes discarded when an update to jobroller is released?
    I have seen a child theme I like - I want to use that and again - are changes discarded when updates are released?
    What's the best way to keep track of these changes?

    Apologies for the questions however any replies are greatly appreciated.

  2. #2
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