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Thread: what is the most powerful and flexible Jobroller child theme and/or jobroller plugin?

  1. #1
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    Member ivone84's Avatar
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    what is the most powerful and flexible Jobroller child theme and/or jobroller plugin?

    I would like to customise my jobroller theme to include, amongst other things, the following:

    On the new user Registration page, add new compulsory fields that will automatically fill in the Resume; for ex, under the field for username, add a field for " level of english" with a either a drop down menu or forced choices such as " basic", "intermediate", etc.

    If the above is not possible on any child theme, is there one theme or plugin that will allow to add the same type of customised field on the Resume page?

    On the Job Posting page, add same compulsory fields as above (this time "level of English required" for example).

    Is there any Jobroller child theme or plugin available that would help me customise my site in this way?


  2. #2
    Veteran barukar's Avatar
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  3. #3
    Marketplace Seller takanakui's Avatar
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