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Thread: How can I make it so Job Listers have to sign in or up before uploading job details?

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    Senior Member stevenr999's Avatar
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    How can I make it so Job Listers have to sign in or up before uploading job details?

    How can I make it so Job Listers have to sign in or up before uploading job details?

    At the minute anyone can click on upload a job and start inputting job description details, they get to the end before the website tells them that they need to register then once they have done that they can not find there jobs because they are new to the site and dont know there way around the dashboard so they re upload their job details then they then realise we charge and a lot of people just leave the site without paying for the job packs., it is a topsy tervy way around things.

    I just want job listers to have to sign up or in first before it takes them to the job description form, how do I do this?

    Thanks in advance

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