Custom Form not working (sorry me too).
I've just purchase vantage theme last week, so it's not version or update or builds or something.
I create new custom form with two fields. I give it categories. Then I go to listings, try to create new one with those new fields. Ok they are there.
Then I add other field to the same custom form, I give it categories. then I go to listings, try to add this new field to a listing same category, the field is not there.
If it helps, this is an error I receive on log:
[Tue Mar 24 23:32:45.666116 2015] [:error] [pid 92730] [client fe80::b234:95ff:feec:d7fe:58911] PHP Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /Applications/BitnamiStacks/ktva/wordpress-4.1.1-0/apps/wordpress/htdocs/
wp-content/themes/vantage/framework/scb/PostMetabox.php on line 171, referer:
Please support.