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Thread: Enabling Comments on Pages

  1. #1
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    simedia's Avatar
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    Enabling Comments on Pages

    In our Vantage 1.1.4, we have comments enabled on both blog posts and website pages. However, the comment form does not appear on the web pages (only on blog posts). In looking at the page.php template, there is no line of code to include or recognize the comment function.

    We also run the current release of Vantage on a different website, with ZERO modifications, and so we toggled back and forth between the two versions and the two page.php files to see if there was anything unique about our older version of Vantage -- and there isn't. The page.php template is the same in both versions -- it has no code to recognize or permit comment functions.

    As a result, even if I enable comments on web pages, the form to submit those comments does not appear.

    For this reason, we did a test recommended on some other forum (no longer remember) which recommended just a short line of code to import your theme's comment function.

    This seemed to work because in an instant, all our website pages had comment forms now showing. We thought "great!" until we actually submitted a few test comments. The form works as expected, but once approved, the comments do not "nest" correctly. They jam up and are not aligned correctly and are just generally a mess.

    Naturally we immediately took the line of code out of the page.php file and all is back to normal -- and we have no comment forms on pages.

    Can someone suggest how can we safely and efficiently enable comment forms on our "pages" rather than just "posts" ?

  2. #2
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