Google geocoding in Vantage: server-side, client-side, and usage limits...
Dear sirs,
I have seen in Google geocoding documentation that there are two types of using Google geocoding: server-side (server directly query to Google's servers for geocoding) which is limited to 2500 queries per day, and client-side (geocoding executed in the browser) which has no limits. Best design strategy is using both types, so limits don't be passed and geocoding funcionality blocked by Google.
I need to know what type of geocoding (or both): server-side or client-side, have been implemented in the design of the Vantage theme, so I can be aware and manage the Google geocoding usage limits. (Of course, if only server-side has been implemented in Vantage, with a huge database or a large amount of users requesting info, limits would be passed very quickly... so I suppose design of Vantage theme is using client-side geocoding also, isn't it?...)
Thanks in advance!