How to manually expire listings
I have several expired listings that are still active on the front end of the website and show under the "Published" section of the back end of the website when they should have moved to the "Expired" section. I tried manually pruning the expired listings but they remain in the Active/Published section displaying a past expiry date. I have disabled all plugins and asked others to view the site to activate the cron but still no luck with getting the listings to move to the expired section. I have done several test listings on a single site (not multisite install). When I look at the front end dashboard it says the "Listing expired: on June 1, 2014" is "Active" and has no 'Renew' button. There are other test listings I have done that have expired successfully and do show the "Renew" button.
This could be a recurring payments issue but isn't there a way to manually expire the listings so they so they get actioned to the Expired section?
If this a known bug can we please have the function to manually expire listings so they get actioned correctly with the "Renew" button displayed on the front end dashboard for users to renew their listing when they visit their dashboard?