Subcategories and Url
I am so confused regarding vantage url's. Is vantage theme not built to deal with subcategories or has something gone wrong? I have both categories and subcategories, but vantage treats them the same. Some of my subcategories have the same name as categories.
1. Health & Wellness is a category by itself. (Vantage url: domainname/listings/category/health-wellness/
2. Health & Wellness is a subcategory of "Education". (Vantage url: domainname/listings/category/health-wellness-2/
??Why is the url for #2 not shown as (domainname/listings/category/education/health-wellness/), thereby including the category so that the difference can be seen.
My fix at the moment is to change my subcategories so that they do not have the same name as any of the categories, ... 2 is now Health & Wellness Education.
Is there a better way to fix this problem?