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Thread: Bulk submission, job seeker database, banner ad management, salary range, etc...

  1. #1
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    kgoring's Avatar
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    Bulk submission, job seeker database, banner ad management, salary range, etc...

    I'd just like to re-iterate what others are saying. For the most part, I belive that everyone is generally happy with the JobRoller theme. It's certainly the best of the top three that I've found online. The only ones that come close are 'Job Board' by Templatic and 'Job Press V2 Professional' by DailyWP. They're all very nice, but JobRoller stands way out when compared to the other two. But anyways, I'm sure the guys at AppThemes have gotten enough positive comments over the past 3 weeks so I'll move on to my recommendations for future development:

    1. a large slider ad space for feature advertising (of companies and services, not of jobs). If anyone wants to make this a free site, they should still have the ability to earn a little money on the side.

    2. a video-enabled widget for the sidebar as an option for advertising or infomercials

    3. a listing service for job 'seekers' who could post their cover letters, bios and resume for a fee. The opposite end of the spectrum per say.

    4. a directory for recruiting agencies to be listed on the site and have individual pages and blogging capability.

    5. add salary to the main results and include it as a search option. Some users may apply based on salary.

    6. The option to include the date of the ad posting, and/or the deadline for submission. I realize that most posters will include the submission date in the body of the job posting, but it would be nice to see it up front before opening up the whole ad. Some people would like to know how much time they have to apply.

    7. more areas for banner advertising. I've been told that it's being considered.

    8. a forum where job seekers and recruitment agencies can form groups and discuss various topics such as employment, unemployment, moving abroad, how to get a promotion, etc...

    9. The ability to submit your resume to multiple job offers.

    10. The ability to link the job poster to multiple postings. Recruitment agencies will love this. I came across a few Real Estate Themes that do this really well so it's something you should heavily consider. I'm sure many recruitment agencies would love to be able to email a page of multiple listings to potential clients or associates.

    That's all for now. I'm sure I'll get a lot of suggestions once I launch the site, so I'll be coming back to AppThemes to get the next release.

    Thanks for great WordPress Themes, AppThemes!

  2. #2
    Rookie batsirai's Avatar
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    I went and paid a developer to add those fields in to my jobroller install.( Done in less than 1 day - in the sign up form, the backend, search, etc. So I dont understand how this feature couldn't make it into version 1. Especially when classipress already has the hard part done. Custom fields would really solve for all of this...

    Every market/job site might have different needs that jobroller couldn't possibly include.... thats why custom fields makes more sense. After all, a job board is a customized classifieds site... with job specific fields, and a slightly more robust (upload resume) response form.... but its not very different! A new theme/layout and job customized related fields over classipress - and you probably have a better version 1.

    But I know its hard to please everyone... and I have built my fair share of software (iphone apps) - so I sympathize - but drop the version 1 excuse. Lets get moving on version 2. I don't mind sharing my code with AppThemes for the new fields. (maybe for a classipress licence )

  3. #3
    nickgarnett's Avatar
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    Hi Batsiral
    Can I ask you who did the mods for you?
    Nick Garnett
    [QUOTE=batsirai;43988]I went and paid a developer to add those fields in to my jobroller install.( Done in less than 1 day - in the sign up form, the backend, search, etc. So I dont understand how this feature couldn't make it into version 1. Especially when classipress already has the hard part done. Custom fields would really solve for all of this...

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