Adding the filters (freelance, fulltime etc) criteria in the main search form
Right now the search form includes an input text field for keywords and an input field for localisation.
I'd like to add to these two fields a select menu with the filters that are normaly available AFTER your made a search (freelance, fulltime, internship).
I want to use the 3 forms elements at the same time in the same search form : keyword + localisation + filter (listed in a select menu)
Problem is these filters are sent through a different form, so i don't know how to send these arrays values by using the main search form.
Right now, when you use a filter, it send to the url 2 things :
1) action=Filter
2) full-time=show (OR freelance=show, etc)
Any ideas on how to integrate these 2 arrays to the main search form ?
Any idea guys ?
thank you !