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Thread: Adding text and a button to the Login Page

  1. #1
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    Senior Member aglionep's Avatar
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    Adding text and a button to the Login Page

    A few questions concerning the login page:

    1) How can I add text(with some html formatting) to the Login/Register page, just above the "Create a Free Account". It looks like it's within tpl-login.php, is this correct? And do I need to enclose the added text in "php_e" tags?

    2) How can I add a button on the right below the "Submit a Job" button for "Post a Resume", similar to the way has done. Is this a Setting or will I need to edit files?

    3) How can I change the text for that "Submit a Job" button (probably in the same file from number 2)


  2. #2
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