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Thread: Modifying ApplicationProcess.php page

  1. #1
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    eonanupam's Avatar
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    Modifying ApplicationProcess.php page

    When someone applies for the job, the jobroller sends email both to the applicant and the recruiter / admin.

    These job application emails that get generated are very plain and difficult to read. We would like to organize them in a neat table when the email gets generated. I understand that this needs code customization and we have found the code is ApplicationProcess.Php.

    We tried a lot to customize this code so that neat email get generated. However we were unable to do so. Now I need your help. Please provide me sample code so that we can create a table for each item.

    If our understanding that it is not applicationprocess.php needs to be modified is not correct, please give us alternate solution.

    Thank you!!

  2. #2
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